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IG Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting

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  • #134364

    Meeting title
    Inaugural meeting of the Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices Interest Group (Remote Access Instructions)
    Meeting Location: Congress B
    Collaborative session notes:
    Short introduction describing the scope of the group and if any previous activities
    This would be the inaugural meeting of the proposed interest group:  Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices.  Research funders have been participating in the RDA since the beginning, first through the Funders’ Forum, and then they began to propose Bird of a Feathers sessions in which funders from around the globe bring subjects that they wish to discuss publicly among themselves and on which they want to gather input from the RDA community.  Funder organized BoF sessions have taken place at P10 (“Research Funders on the Topic of Open Research and Data Management” (, P11 (“Interest Group for Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies” (, and P12 (“Research Data Management and Sharing in Low and Middle-Income Countries (
    The aim of the proposed Interest Group is to provide a sustainable venue for these discussions. Funders are important RDA stakeholders, and the IG would substantiate their engagement with RDA and be fully aligned with the RDA principles of openness, harmonization and being community-driven. It would be a significant value-added contribution to the RDA community as a vehicle for open discussion of policy-driven topics.  Creating a forum for research funders to initiate or further data-related discussions could result in lasting benefits for the research community (increased coordination, standardization and support) and the funders themselves in terms of avoiding duplication of efforts and building on existing expertise and resources.
    Additional links to informative material related to the group
    Under development – though the following links to funder information were shared at the last RDA Funders Forum
    The French National Plan for Open Science (English version:
    Belmont Forum Links
    Data and Digital Outputs Management Annex
    Data Accessibility Statement
    Belmont Forum Data Skills Curricula Framework (Outline)
    Belmont Forum Data Skills Curricula Framework (Full report)
    Welcome Trust Links
    Incentivisation blueprint:
    Wellcome Open Research Fund
    (and you can see the applications submitted at:
    Open science indicators toolkit
    Meeting objectives
    The objectives of this meeting are to: 1) introduce the new IG to the RDA community; 2) confirm co-chairs moving forward; 3) provide short updates on funder policies/practices; 4) discuss how the IG can contribute to the ongoing work of RDA.
    Meeting agenda

    Welcome and description of agenda
    Introduction to the proposed objectives of the Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices Interest Group and invite discussion.
    Provide short updates on recent changes to funder policies/practices (including an update on funder engagements with PlanS)
    Open discussion on how to ensure the IG can contribute to the work of RDA and benefit the broader community.

    (Funders are currently participating in a doodle poll on issues topics to discuss at this and future RDA Funders Forums and IGs). We may also use the IG to solicit broader feedback on and additions to the proposed list of topics. The list currently includes: working with data repositories, data management policy alignment, data sharing across international borders, data management monitoring and compliance, peer/merit review committee training, data management training for researchers and students, creating incentives for data management and data sharing, using persistent identifiers in funding management systems, working with disciplinary communities to promote culture change). We recognized that some of these topics are currently being discussed by other groups and we would endeavor work closely with those groups to avoid duplication – though this IG would focus primarily on the perspectives of funding agencies.
    Target audience
    Research Funders, researchers, and members of the broader research system interested in receiving updates on research funder policies pertaining to data management and open data.
    Group chair serving as contact person:
    Matthew Lucas (interim)
    Interim Co-Chairs for the inaugural IG meeting:  Matthew Lucas (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) and Josh Greenberg (Sloan Foundation) – current co-chairs of the RDA Funders Forum.
    Other funder representatives who have indicated a willingness to serve as co-chairs:  David Carr (Wellcome Trust) and Yasushi Ogasaka (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
    We are currently seeking other co-chairs to ensure good geographic and gender representation.
    Type of meeting:
    Working and Informative meeting
    Remote Access Instructions:
    coming soon

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