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Why Join the RDA as an Organisational Member?

Organisational Members provide an organisational perspective of the RDA, influence its direction, and assist in the implementation and adoption of the RDA’s Recommendations. For many global organisations the RDA is a vehicle to help incorporate solutions and practices for data sharing and reuse. 

Organisational Assembly (OA) and Organisational Advisory Board (OAB)

All organisations that become RDA organisational members join the OA which meets monthly by teleconference and in-person at the annual hybrid RDA plenary.  At the meetings, members are given an update on RDA business operations from the Secretary General, and updates from the Regional Advisory Board, Technical Advisory Board and Council.  Working and Interest Groups give presentations of newly endorsed outputs and OA members give lightning talks on topics relevant to their own organisation and the RDA Organisational Members.  

The Organisational Advisory Board is a sub-committee of the OA, acting as an executive committee and representing the interests of the Organisational Members.

The purpose of the OAB is to ensure that Organisational Members’ inputs and needs play a role in guiding the programs and activities of the RDA.

Benefits for Organisational Members

  • Attending Organisational Assembly meetings and electing the Organisational Advisory Board and its co-Chairs
  • Exclusive visibility and speaking opportunities at RDA bi-annual plenary meetings (both Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions and panel discussions)
  • Receiving regular updates on the work of the RDA, including special presentations on outputs and adoption of RDA outputs during monthly meetings
  • Providing advice to the RDA Council through the Organisational Advisory Board
  • Being recognised on the RDA website and at RDA Meetings as a supporter of data sharing and interoperability
  • Influencing the RDA work and directions on data sharing and interoperability in their sectors, markets and geographies
  • Communicating open job positions in your organisation to whole RDA community (Exclusive to Organisational Members)
  • Early-bird reduced RDA Plenary registration fee for all Organisational Members extended through to the start of the Plenary (Exclusive to Organisational Members)
  • Having the opportunity to act as early adopters of RDA Recommendations and other outputs
  • Exchanging news, strategies and policies across organisations and geographical jurisdictions.

Quarterly Newsletter

The Organisational Members exclusive newsletter provides a quarterly summary of RDA activities including new Working and Interest Group and Communities of Practice and published recommendations and outputs.

RDA Organisational Membership

Annual Membership Fees

< 50$1,250$2,000$250$400
> 250$12,500$20,000$2,500$4,000


FTE – Full Time Employees

HIC – High Income Countries | LMIC – Low and Middle Income Countries (as defined by World Bank)

FP – For Profit | NFP – Not for Profit

RDA Affiliate Members

The Research Data Alliance is delighted to form agreements and collaborate with like-minded organisations in order to coordinate efforts in mutual areas of interest and benefit to the community, according to the following criteria:

If you believe that your organisation fulfils the above criteria and wants to become an RDA Organisational Affiliate member, please contact hilary.hanahoe[at]