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The new RDA web platform is still being rolled out. Existing RDA members PLEASE REACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT using this link: Please report bugs, broken links and provide your feedback using the UserSnap tool on the bottom right corner of each page. Stay updated about the web site milestones at

39-10 of 455 Results
Regional Group
RDA in Czech Republic
Národní uzel RDA Česká republika   RDA Česká republika je národním uzlem Research Data Alliance. Koordinátorem národního uzlu RDA v České republice se stal v říjnu roku 2019 spolek Plan4all v rámci evropského projektu RDA Europe 4.0, který byl zahájen 1. března 2018.   Plan4all je nezisková organizace, jejíž cílem je udržovat a dále rozvíjet výsledky výzkumných a inovačních projektů…
March 27, 2024
Regional Group
RDA in Lithuania
This is the web page for the Lithuanian National RDA Node. We aim to act as a team of experts who represent different institutions and fields of activity and will be ready to promote and disseminate the outputs and recommendations developed by the RDA to raise awareness and provide support in data management in the…
March 27, 2024
Regional Group
RDA in Hungary
  Please view our dedicated website for more details and the latest updates —- This is a working area dedicated to the RDA activities, updates and events in Hungary.   Node starter kit RDA Europe Node programme materials National node icons – HU – for nodes websites, webpages and social media profiles National nodes Handbook…
March 27, 2024
Regional Group
RDA in Sweden
RDA Sweden: Promoting RDM best practices across disciplines RDA Sweden is a national node of the Research Data Alliance. As such, we will promote and foster best practices in research data management, and work to increase awareness of RDA and research data-related issues in Sweden. RDA Sweden will contribute to the adoption of common solutions…
March 27, 2024
Regional Group
RDA in Australasia
This is a working area dedicated to RDA-related activities, updates and events in Australasia   If you would like to contribute to the group or receive all RDA in Australasia updates, please register by clicking on the green “Join Group” button on the right. You will then be automatically subscribed to the group mailinglist.  …
March 27, 2024
Interest Group
Data Conservation IG
Co-Chair(s): Denise Hills, Stephen Diggs
Building on the work of the Data Rescue IG, the Data Conservation IG will both expand scope to all types of data (both digital and analog), and focus on decision-making topics including: How are data sets prioritized for rescue or conservation? How are risk factors defined, assessed, and/or categorized? How is funding prioritized and/or secured?…
March 27, 2024
Interest Group
Global Open Research Commons IG
Co-Chair(s): Andrew Treloar, Sarah Jones, Devika Madalli, Mark Leggott, Javier Lopez Albacete
The coordination of data infrastructure on various levels (country, continent, discipline, sector) is on the increase. So called “Open Science Commons” or “Data commons” provide a shared virtual space or platform that provides a marketplace for data and services. Examples include the European Open Science Cloud, the Australian Research Data Commons, the African Open Science…
March 27, 2024
Interest Group
RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG
Co-Chair(s): Lindsay Barbieri, Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard, Anthony Juehne, Devika Madalli
Interest Group Title: RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals Introduction: Fit with the overall RDA vision and mission The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals, with 169 associated targets, which came into effect in January 2016 and will continue to guide UN policy and funding until 2030. Progress on the UN’s 17 Sustainable…
March 27, 2024
Coordination Group
Funders Forum
Co-Chair(s): Matthew Lucas, Dina Paltoo
March 27, 2024
Regional Group
RDA in Bulgaria
This is a working area dedicated to the RDA activities, updates and events in Bulgaria   Node starter kit RDA Europe Node programme materials National node icons – BG – for nodes websites, webpages and social media profiles National nodes Handbook – RDA Europe owncloud repository (restricted access) Flyers: National Nodes Flyer; RDA Europe Grants…
March 27, 2024