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4-10 of 111 Results
Working Group Recommendation
Metadata Schema for the Persistent Identification of Instruments
Review Status: Endorsed
Authors: Rolf Krahl
Persistent Identification of Instruments WG Group co-chairs: Louise Darroch, Markus Stocker, Rolf Krahl, Ted Habermann Recommendation: Metadata Schema for the Persistent Identification of Instruments Authors: Rolf Krahl, Louise Darroch, Robert Huber, Anusiriya Devaraju, Jens Klump, Ted Habermann, Markus Stocker, RDA PIDINST WG members Impact: This PIDINST Schema is the recommended schema for the persistent identification of instruments by institutions or…
January 5, 2022
Working Group Supporting Output
A Collection of Crosswalks from Fifteen Research Data Schemas to
Review Status: Endorsed
Authors: Mingfang Wu
Research Metadata Schemas WG Group co-chairs: Mingfang Wu, Sarala Wimalaratne, Adam Shepherd, Leyla Garcia Supporting Output title: A collection of crosswalks from fifteen research data schemas to Authors: Mingfang Wu, Penelope Hagan, Baptiste Cecconi, Stephen M. Richard, Chantelle Verhay, RDA Research Metadata Schemas WG DOI: 10.15497/RDA00069 Citation:  Wu, M., Hagan, P., Cecconi, B., Richard, S. M., Verhey, C., & RDA Research Metadata…
December 22, 2021
Working Group Supporting Output
23 Things Physical Samples
Review Status: Endorsed
Authors: Esther Plomp
Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem IG Group co-chairs: Kerstin Lehnert, Jens Klump, Esther Plomp, Lesley Wyborn Supporting Output title: 23 Things Physical Samples Contributors: Esther Plomp, Sarah Ramdeen, Jens Klump, Lesley Wyborn, Clint Edrington, Mary Donaldson, Joan Damerow, Sharif Islam DOI: 10.15497/RDA00067 Citation:  Plomp, E., Ramdeen, S., Klump, J., Wyborn, L., Edrington, C., Donaldson, M., Damerow, J., &…
October 31, 2021
Metadata Principles
Authors: Rebecca Koskela
August 8, 2021
Working Group Recommendation
Guidelines for publishing structured metadata on the Web
Review Status: Endorsed
Authors: Mingfang Wu
Research Metadata Schemas WG Group co-chairs: Mingfang Wu, Sarala Wimalaratne, Adam Shepherd, Leyla Garcia Recommendation title: Guidelines for publishing structured metadata on the Web Authors: Mingfang Wu, Nick Juty, RDA Research Metadata Schemas WG, Julia Collins, Ruth Duerr, Chantel Ridsdale, Adam Shepherd, Chantelle Verhey, Leyla Jael Castro DOI: 10.15497/RDA00066 Citation:  Wu, M., Juty, N., RDA Research Metadata Schemas WG , Collins, J.,…
June 15, 2021
FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles)
Authors: Paula Andrea Martinez
FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) WG Group co-chairs: Michelle Barker, Paula Andrea Martinez, Leyla Garcia, Daniel S. Katz, Neil Chue Hong, Jennifer Harrow, Fotis Psomopoulos, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Morane Gruenpeter Recommendation Title: FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles) Authors: Neil P. Chue Hong*, Daniel S. Katz*, Michelle Barker*; Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Carlos Martinez, Fotis E. Psomopoulos, Jen Harrow, Leyla Jael Castro, Morane Gruenpeter,…
June 10, 2021
Other Output
RDA17 Plenary session: Establishing a Sensitive Data Interest Group
Review Status: Not Endorsed
Authors: Kristal Spreadborough
This page contains the resources from the RDA 17 Plenary Session run by the Sensitive Data Interest Group. Session record:… Session Recording (log in required):… Session slides: 1. Introduction: 2. Lightening Talks: “Before, setting up for a sensitive data project” 3. Lightening Talks:  ” Lessons from working with sensitive data…”…
June 7, 2021
Adoption Report
International Materials Resource Registries Working Group: Final Report and Recommendations
Review Status: In Council Review Open
Authors: Raymond Plante
International Materials Resource Registries WG Group co-chairs: Raymond Plante, Chandler Becker Recommendation title: International Materials Resource Registries Working Group: Final Report and Recommendations Authors: Chandler A Becker, Raymond L Plante, Andrea Medina-Smith, Sharief Youssef, Alden Dima, Laura M Bartolo, James A Warren, Robert J Hanisch, Brian Matthews, Asahiko Matsuda, Raphael Ritz Impact:  DOI: 10.15497/RDA00058 Citation:  Becker, C. A., Plante, R. L.,…
May 11, 2021
Working Group Supporting Output
Challenges of Curating for Reproducible and FAIR Research Output
Review Status: Endorsed
Authors: Limor Peer
CURE-FAIR WG Group co-chairs: Limor Peer, Florio Arguillas, Thu-Mai Christian, Tom Honeyman Supporting Output title: Challenges of Curating for Reproducible and FAIR Research Output Authors: Limor Peer, Florio Arguillas, Tom Honeyman, Nadica Miljković, Karsten Peters-von Gehlen and CURE-FAIR subgroup 3 Impact: This report identified the current set of key challenges associated with generating, sharing, and using reproducible computation-based scientific results. The report…
April 20, 2021
Other Output
Guidelines for publishing structured metadata on the Web (v2.0 20210416)
Review Status: Not Endorsed
Authors: Mingfang Wu
This is the draft version of the final report, post it here for group members’ feedback before submit it and go through the RDA process.
April 16, 2021