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The RDA utilises Working Groups (WGs), Interest Groups (IGs), Communities of Practice (CoPs), and Birds of a Feather Sessions (BoF) to advance its mission in fostering collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving within the global research community.

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Working Groups

Working Groups (WGs) drive the development of infrastructure for data sharing, exchange, and interoperability. Comprising experts from diverse backgrounds, WGs undertake short-lived, 18-month efforts to implement specific tools, best practices, and standards across institutions. For more information on expected WG outcomes, refer to Working Group Outputs.


WGs undergo a rigorous review process before endorsement, ensuring their commitment to producing tangible deliverables within the specified timeframe. These deliverables include, but are not limited to, technical specifications and implementation practices, conceptual models or frameworks, implemented policies, and other documents and practices aimed at improving data exchange.

Interest Groups

Interest Groups (IGs) bring together community experts dedicated to advancing data sharing and interoperability. Through brief charters and review processes, IGs serve as platforms for communication and coordination among individuals with shared interests. They produce valuable outputs such as surveys, recommendations, reports, and WGs case statements. IGs must have international participation and a demonstrated community. They should not be for promoting specific projects or technologies.


IGs undergo a review process before they become endorsed by RDA.. Endorsed IGs remain active as long as they continue to contribute meaningfully to RDA objectives. Periodic evaluations ensure relevance, with inactive IGs subject to dissolution by the Council.


Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice (CoPs) provide forums for experts to address discipline-specific data challenges. Committed to enabling data sharing and exchange, CoPs serve as focal points for coordination within their domains. Established around an Agreement document, CoPs undergo initial and periodic (every 18 months) reviews by RDA to maintain effectiveness.

Birds of a Feather Sessions

Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions, held at RDA Plenaries, offer opportunities for informal discussions and networking. BoFs aim to identify RDA members interested in exploring new topics and potentially establishing new Interest (IGs) or Working Groups (WGs).


RDA Secretariat

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