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Register for 21 April Webinar – “Tools & Resources for Data Usage Metrics”

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  • #99688

    Yolanda Meleco

    In this webinar, chairs of the RDA Data Usage Metrics Working Group and additional presenters will discuss the latest tools and resources developed through their work.
    These tools and resources, recently endorsed by RDA as official RDA Recommendations, are now available to repositories interested in standardizing and building data usage metrics.
    If you are a repository or data infrastructure provider and/or data professional interested in the topic, you will not want to miss this event!
    Presenters include:

    Daniella Lowenberg, Sr Data Publishing Product Mgr & Make Data Count Principal Investigator, University of California Office of the President – UC Curation Center (UC3), United States
    Ian Bruno, Director of Initiatives, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), United Kingdom
    Matt Buys, Executive Director, DataCite, Germany Kristian Garza, Product Designer, DataCite, Germany

    Register Today!

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