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  • Group Focus:
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  • Group Description

    This group is for announcements and information emerging from the RDA Regional Engagement discussions. 


    Current Activities – April 2018

    A small group representing current regions, emerging regions, and Council is meeting weekly through the end of May 2018. The group’s mission is to draft a document proposing a path forward for regional engagement within RDA. There will be iteration time to refine the document and approach before a follow-on discussion in Gabrone Botswana at IDW, Nov 2018. 



    This RDA Regional Engagement Discussion Group space was created as part of a set of activities in mid 2018.  Stemming from an RDA Council Subcommittee on Regional Engagement, a meeting was held at P11 in Berlin with invitations to current and emerging regions. From that discussion, a small group was created to carry the conversation forward.

  • Group Email

  • Group Type: Coordination Group
  • Group Status:
  • Co-Chair(s): Hilary Hanahoe

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