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  • Group Focus: Not Applicable
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  • Group Description

    What is RDA-pt?

    Research Data Alliance Portugal (RDA-pt) is a national RDA node that links Portuguese data management communities to the RDA. 

    RDA-pt is a formal participant of RDA Europe 4.0, the European plugin to the global Research Data Alliance. The goal of the node is to link Portuguese communities to RDA Working and Interest Groups, to disseminate RDA outputs and promote their adoption in Portugal, and to allow Portuguese stakeholders to benefit directly from RDA support mechanisms. The national connections will bring data management discussions to the Portuguese community and identify national issues to be addressed in the global community.


    What are the goals of RDA-pt?

    The overall goal of RDA-pt is to build a community of people and institutions that are aware of data management issues, take advantage of RDA outputs, contribute to national data management policies and collaborate within and across disciplines to the RDA vision and mission. In the context of the RDA Europe 4.0 project, the node will:

    • Expand the number of groups and institutions directly involved with RDA and in the node; 
    • Organize workshops to disseminate RDA and support the adoption of best practices in research data management;
    • Include RDA-related presentations or RDA tracks in open science or discipline-specific events;
    • Sponsor RDA plenary participation;
    • Based on the Portuguese groups engaged in research data management activities, identify collaboration opportunities and issues to be addressed in RDA;
    • Link to disciplinary communities from the Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures;
    • Promote the adoption of RDA recommendations and outputs in disciplinary communities;
    • Connect to FCT and contribute to the development of data management policies and the definition of infrastructure interoperability requirements.

    Who is running the node?

    The node is led by 8 Portuguese institutions and corresponding key personnel: INESC TEC/ Universidade do Porto (Cristina Ribeiro), Instituto Superior Técnico/ Universidade de Lisboa (José Borbinha), Universidade de Coimbra (Maria Manuel Borges), Universidade do Minho (Eloy Rodrigues), Instituto de Ciências Sociais/ Universidade de Lisboa (Pedro Moura Ferreira), Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (João Miranda), DGLAB/ Arquivos Nacionais (Francisco Barbedo), Universidade de Évora (Irene Rodrigues).

    INESC TEC is the coordinating institution, and the 8 people constitute a board that manages the node activities and the funding assigned by RDA Europe 4.0. The board members are supported by their institutions. The node seed funding is dedicated to sponsoring dissemination and training events and the national participation in RDA. 


    What can I do to participate?

    First of all, join the group! Feel free to register by clicking on the Join link on the right. You will be automatically subscribed to the group mailing list and will receive all RDA Portugal updates. 
    Second, share your views with posts to the mailing list or group calendar.

    We will ask for your participation and collaboration as we go. 



    Node starter kit
    RDA Europe Node programme materials

    RDA general materials








  • Group Email

  • Group Type: Regional Group
  • Group Status:
  • Co-Chair(s):

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