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  • Group Focus:
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  • Group Description

    Organisational Advisory Board (private)

    This is the private working space for the Organisational Advisory Board.


    The Organisational Advisory Board is a sub-committee of the whole OA, acting as an executive committee representing the interests of the Organisational Members.

    In more detail, the purpose of the OAB is to ensure that Organisational Members’ inputs and needs play a role in guiding the programs and activities of RDA. The OA, with meetings open to all OA members, meets monthly by teleconference. The OAB meets at the time of the bi-annual RDA plenaries to provide guidance on RDA business operations, oversight of Interest Groups (IG) and Working Groups (WG), and outreach to the larger community. Specifically, the OAB is charged with:

    1. Providing organisational and operations advice either at the request of the Secretary General or the RDA Council or to express issues raised among the organisational membership with regard to the directions, processes, and mechanisms of RDA to the Secretary General and/or Council.
    2. Providing input to the Secretary General and the Secretariat on organisational needs; for example, with the goal of encouraging the formation of Interest Groups or Working Groups or other actions that could be taken by RDA to meet organisational needs.
    3. Interacting with the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) during the review of IG and WG proposals to provide guidance on overlap and synergies with other RDA and community efforts.
    4. Encouraging and facilitating the adoption of relevant RDA outputs among organisational members to drive broad adoption.
    5. Collaborating with the TAB to review mid-point and final Working Group Recommendations and outputs, and to advise on how implementable proposed outputs are likely to be. OAB provides guidance on organisational needs and partnership and pilot opportunities, with the goal of encouraging broad community adoption of RDA outputs.
    6. Assisting with Plenary programming and other outreach activities.
    7. Developing of test-beds to support WG pilot projects and distribution of outputs to the community.


    Private meetings:

    • 16th meeting, 6th December 2023, Virtual meeting – Agenda/Minutes
    • 15th meeting, 23rd May 2023, Virtual Meeting – Agenda/Minutes
    • 14th meeting, 17th October 2022, Virtual Meeting – Agenda/Minutes
    • 13th meeting, 10th May 2022, Virtual Meeting – Agenda/Minutes
    • 12th meeting, 4th November 2021, Virtual Meeting – Agenda/Minutes
    • 11th meeting, 30 April, 2021, Virtual meeting – Minutes
    • 10th meeting, 2 November 2020, Virtual meeting – Minutes
    • 9th meeting, 7 April 2020, Virtual meeting – Minutes
    • 8th meeting, 17 March 2020, Melbourne (f2f meeting) – Cancelled
    • 7th meeting, 22 October 2019, Helsinki (f2f meeting) – Agenda/minutes
    • 6th meeting, 1 April 2019, Phildadelphia (f2f meeting)  – Agenda/minutes
    • 5th meeting, 6 November 2018, Gaborone (f2f meeting) – Agenda/minutes
    • 4th meeting, 22 March 2018, Berlin (f2f meeting) – Agenda/minutes
    • 3rd meeting: 21 September 2017, Montreal (f2f meeting) – Agenda/minutes
    • 2nd meeting: 6 April 2017, Barcelona (f2f meeting) – Agenda/minutes
    • 1st meeting: 2 March 2016, Tokyo (f2f meeting) – Agenda/minutes


  • Group Email

  • Group Type: Coordination Group
  • Group Status:
  • Co-Chair(s): Gabriela Pino, Shelley Stall

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