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02 FEB 2024

Collaborative session notes

Group(s) submitting the application: 

Wind Energy Community Standards WG

Meeting objectives: 

The goal of this meeting is to launch the new working group “Wind Energy Community Standards”, which is currently under review. Based on an RDA Grant last year, we recently submitted the Case Statement of this group. The goal of the WG is to reduce data management overhead within and between organisations working with wind energy. This will be done by firstly creating a recommendation “Guidelines for improving FAIR data maturity in wind energy in practice”. This will then be used to create a wind energy FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) , which is a methodology developed within the GO FAIR initiative. FIP will give the scientific and research communities the opportunity to express their choices of standards, technologies, tools and procedures by which they fulfil the FAIR principles.

Meeting agenda: 

15′ Introduction of the participants

15′ Introduction to the WG aims and time plan

30′ Presentation Nanomaterials Reference FAIR Implemenation Profile (FIP) – Iseult Lynch, Uni of Birmingham

30′ Discussion of expectations and definition of next steps

Target Audience: 

The aim is for the initial members to get to know each other, as well as to recruit members from the wind energy (or energy) communities, as well as people from RDA groups with whom we plan to collaborate, including:

Group chair serving as contact person: 

Sarah Barber

Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

The goal of the WG is to reduce data management overhead within and between organisations working with wind energy. This will be done by firstly creating a recommendation “Guidelines for improving FAIR data maturity in wind energy in practice”. This will then be used to create a wind energy FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) , which is a methodology developed within the GO FAIR initiative. FIP will give the scientific and research communities the opportunity to express their choices of standards, technologies, tools and procedures by which they fulfil the FAIR principles.

Short Group Status: 

We hope to use this session for the working group launch!

Type of Meeting: 

Working meeting

Meeting presenters: 

Sarah Barber, Yuriy Marykovskiy, Iseult Lynch, Shawn Sheng, Charlie Henderson

Are you willing to host a second, repeat, session at a different time zone?: 
