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Data Management Challenges and Solutions for Research Institutions in Africa and Latin America

19 FEB 2024

Collaborative session notes

Group(s) submitting the application: 

Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions IG

Meeting objectives: 

As an Interest Group concerned with architectures of institutional data management services, we have in the past tended to focus on learning from institutions from western countries. The broad theme for the next session will be the challenges facing institutions Africa and South America, and how these might be overcome. In the session emerging innovations will be shared that address the challenges of research data management in low and middle-income countries. As there are increasing demands on increasing the interoperability and exchange of data to enable research collaboration, what architectures are being designed to enable this interoperability and exchange. Which examples are there of regional and institutional projects in these regions addressing this and how do these intersect? How can regional and international exchange assist in addressing these challenges?

Meeting agenda: 

Introduction to RDARI, its previous sessions and context for this session (James Wilson) (5 min)

Introduction of the speakers and context for the session (Anwar Vahed, Director Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa) (5min) 

Wrap up and next steps with the Interest Group (James Wilson) (5 min)

Target Audience: 

Those working at Research institutions designing Research data Architectures or elements of these. Also those responsible for connecting the elements of the Data Architectures into a valuable, well-connected whole both within, but also across instituions. Those interested in building institutional data architectures both within African and South American institutions, but also across these regions.

Group chair serving as contact person: 

Keith Russell

Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

The Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions Interest Group is primarily concerned with technical architectures for managing research data within universities and other multi-disciplinary research institutions. It provides insight into the approaches being taken to the development and operation of such architectures and their success or otherwise in enabling good practice.

The main themes of the IG are

More information at

Short Group Status: 

The Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions Interest Group has been active since 2018. It has facilitated discussions and sharing of approaches focusing on various aspects of technical architectures for managing research data within universities and other multi-disciplinary research institutions. Some examples are discussions on architectures for sensitive data, integrated Lab notebook solutions, middleware solutions to bridge information about data on storage, architectures to enable decision making on data retention and disposal.

Type of Meeting: 

Informative meeting

Additional links to informative material: 

Group page:

Group wiki:

Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 

FAIR Data Maturity Model WG

Are you willing to host a second, repeat, session at a different time zone?: 
