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The challenges and opportunities for building data infrastructure to support research in the social sciences and humanities

21 FEB 2024

Collaborative session notes

Group(s) submitting the application: 

Social Science Research Data IG

Meeting objectives: 

The Social Sciences & Humanities Data Interest Group proposes an Interest Group session at RDA Plenary 22 focused on the opportunities and challenges of building and maintaining infrastructure to support data intensive research in the social science and humanities.  The session will include panelists responsible for data infrastructure in a diverse group of countries/regions and with experience collaborating internationally.   The session will also aim to identify issues and/or challenges that the Interest Group could advance through the RDA.  Specifically, the objectives are:

  1. To explore the challenges and opportunities of building and maintaining national and international data infrastructure to support research in the social sciences and humanities.
  2. To identify issues/challenges that the Social Sciences and Humanities Data Interest Group could advance through the RDA. 

Meeting agenda: 

Meeting presenters

Natalie Harrower – Executive Director, Canadian Research Data Centre Network

Steven McEachern – Project Lead, Integrated Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences, Australia  

(TBC) Donnie Wolff-Boenisch – Director, Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives

(TBC) Yuji Genda, Director, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo

(TBC) Margaret Levenstein, Director, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan.

Meeting Agenda:

14:00 – IG Introduction:  What is the Social Sciences and Humanities Data Interest Group

14:10 – Session Introduction:  session objectives

14:15 – Panel opening remarks (5 minutes each) – brief description of their infrastructure and key challenges/opportunities

14:50 – Q&A

15:10 – Open Discussion of key issues the IG could help advance through RDA

15:25 – Wrap up, next steps, future topics, IG membership.

Target Audience: 

  1. Social science researchers.
  2. Humanities researchers.
  3. Data infrastructure practitioners
  4. National statistics practitioners

Group chair serving as contact person: 

Steven McEachern

Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

This new SSH interest group will begin by helping to coordinate communications across the various current RDA groups of interest to our disciplines and to provide a place for our members to share solutions and concerns with others in our fields. These groups include the FAIRSharing and others noted by Braukmann in the “RDA Overview for the Social Sciences”[1]. We will also seek input and coordinate with the external SSH community leaders and organizations such as CESSDA, DDI Alliance, IASSIST, ICPSR, IFDO and WDS. We will be open and inclusive seeking to use this group to connect the various organizations working to promote SSH data sharing. While this new interest group will certainly be a coordinating group, we also aim to produce new RDA Working Groups to help provide solutions to challenges in our SSH domains. Given the complexity of SSHRD, we feel that the initial focus of our interest group should be very focused on defining working groups of immediate need to our communities. We foresee that to implement FAIR in our disciplines we need to engage all stakeholders: funders, producers, service providers, users; and as a new interest group we want to prioritise on three specific areas focused on the Social Science and Humanities research data communities.

Short Group Status: 

Please find more details on the group’s web page 

Type of Meeting: 

Informative meeting

Are you willing to host a second, repeat, session at a different time zone?: 
