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IG Data Discovery Paradigms RDA 9th Plenary meeting

  • Creator
  • #137683

    Fotis Psomopoulos

    The Agenda of the DDPIG P9 session can be seen below. The slides used are attached at the end.

    Time slot


    16:00 – 16:10

    Introduction of the group’s goals and progress (AdW)

    16:10 – 17:00

    Overview of each of the 3 active Task Forces (Task Force Leads)


    Relevancy Ranking Task Force (MfW)


    Use Cases, Prototyping Tools and Test Collections Task Force  (FP)


    Best Practices for Making Data Findable Task Force (WM)

    17:00 – 17:30

    Discuss new Task Forces and Coordination (AdW, SJSK)


    Volunteers to lead other top-5: Common API’s, Metadata Enrichment?


    What other topics to start?


    Do we want to turn Task Forces into Working Groups?


    Collaborations with other Working/Interest Groups?



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