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Re: [vre_ig] Re: [vre_ig] RE: [vre_ig] Re: [vre_ig] Looking for authoritat…

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  • #111985

    Daniele Bailo

    Good morning
    I’m also new in this group and I would like provide my “2 cents”.
    Having read the full thread so far, it looks like there are two different
    – Sandra’s & co. approach, which focus more on the commonalities.
    – Alex’ & co. approach, which focus on the differences.
    (sorry Sandra and Alex for using you as a proxy for groups of people with
    same views).
    Working with VRE and SG, I tend to agree with Sandra&co. that it might be
    beneficial to remark commonalities, , unless it is really necessary to
    emphasize the differences.
    In addition to this, consider that a) also within the same category (e.g.
    VREs) there are a number of different implementations, understanding and
    architectures available, which makes any definition flexible; b) some RIs
    (or VL or SG), for instance those funded by EU, tend to gradually increase
    their functionalities and are hence in a shadow area between – for instance
    – SG and VRE (if we use the definitions proposed by Keith and Mark).
    Daniele Bailo, PhD
    EPOS Management Office ICT – INGV
    Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome – Italy
    Phone. +39 06-51860728 – Fax. +39 06-51860507
    Curare le scienze e non amare le persone, è come accendere una torcia e
    chiudere gli occhi. | |
    *Get informed with the EPOS Newsletter
    2018-02-23 10:01 GMT+01:00 mcrichlow :

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