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CFP: Submissions for 15th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2023) due to 19 March 2023

  • Creator
  • #98400

    Sandra Gesing

    * IWSG 2023
    * 15th International Workshop on Science Gateways
    * 13-15 June, 2023, Tübingen, Germany
    * Website:
    * ***********************************************************Important dates:
    The deadline for paper/abstract submission: March 19, 2023
    Notification of acceptance: April 17, 2023
    Submission of camera ready papers/abstracts: May 2, 2023
    Registration deadline for authors/presenters: May 17, 2023
    Early-Bird registration deadline: May 17, 2023
    Date of the workshop: June 13-15, 2023
    Science Gateways support scientists throughout the stages of the research cycle, including data collection and annotation, processing and analysis of complex scientific data, and collaborative work and publication of research data. They bridge community and domain-specific expertise with modern information technologies such as the Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and hybrid Cloud environments. Through them, scientists are able to tap the full potential of their scientific data. Further, they facilitate the access to compute resources improving science through the employment of reproducible workflows.
    We invite the submission of papers related to Science Gateways. Topics include, but are not limited to:

    Architectures, frameworks and technologies for Science Gateways
    Science Gateways sustaining collaborative communities
    Research data management through Science Gateways
    Support for scalability and data-driven methods in Science Gateways
    Improving the reproducibility of science in Science Gateways
    Science Gateway usability, portals, workflows and tools
    Software engineering approaches supporting scientific work
    Aspects of Science Gateways, such as security and stability

    We particularly encourage submissions from application scientists and community members reporting their firsthand experiences with science gateways. There are three forms of presentation:

    Lightning talks

    Submission of a full paper may result in a talk, while submission of an abstract may result in a lightning talk or demonstration. Presenters of full papers will be allotted a 15-minute time slot to provide a summary and update on their work. Meanwhile, presenters of abstracts will be given a 5-minute time slot.
    All contributions will be subject to standard peer review for quality, relevance, and novelty, which will determine acceptance and the form of presentation. All submissions will be kept confidential prior to publication in the proceedings. Full papers must not exceed six A4 pages and must be written in clear and readable English. Abstracts must not exceed 500 words and may include a diagram. They should also be written in clear, readable English. Authors of abstracts should include the word “Abstract:” in the title.
    Papers and abstracts will only be accepted electronically in PDF format and must be submitted through our EasyChair website. Please find templates for papers and abstracts at IWSG Paper and Abstract Templates.
    It is anticipated to publish accepted full papers at Tübingen University Press.
    Accepted abstracts will be published online on the IWSG webpage.
    Please note that authors of excellent abstracts and papers will be invited to submit a extended and updated version of their paper for a special issue on science gateways.
    Workshop co-chairs:
    Jens Krüger, University of Tübingen, Germany
    Sandra Gesing, University of Illinois Discovery Partners Institute, Chicago, USA

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