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RDA P14 Helsinki: call for presentation VSSIG session and co-located event on FAIR Semantics

  • Creator
  • #107334

    Dear colleagues,
    I hope this email finds you well and you had a great summer break.
    We are organising a VSSIG session during the next plenary:
    The topic of the session is focused on FAIR Semantics i.e. how can we make
    semantic artefacts (ontologies, controlled vocabularies, thesauri, … )
    FAIR. It is a follow up of a co-located event
    organised on Oct 22 in the context of the FAIRsFAIR project.
    During the co-located event, we are planning to brainstorm and discuss what
    is meant by FAIR Semantics and how the different principles could be
    fulfilled for semantic artefacts. If you want to *join us at the co-located
    event*, you can register here
    We would like to extend these discussions to the IG and in the meantime see
    how the work done in the different task groups could contribute to making
    semantics FAIR. For this purpose, we would like to *invite the different
    task groups to give a short presentation *(5-10 minutes) of their work
    during the session.
    If you are present in Helsinki and interested in presenting our work in the
    context of the IG, please *contact me directly* (***@***.*** or
    ***@***.***) *with the title of your presentation, your
    name and contact information* or you can *add it directly in the draft
    session agenda* here
    In order to finalise the agenda before the session, I would be grateful if
    you could send your contribution *by Friday, October 18th at noon CET. *
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
    Looking forward to seeing you in Helsinki.
    Kind regards,

    Yann Le Franc, PhD
    *e-Science Data Factory *
    S.A.S.U. au capital social de 10 000€
    *CEO and founder.*
    *Chair of the EUDAT semantic workgroup*
    *Co-chair of the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Service Interest Group*
    Phone: +33.612.90.37.56
    email: ***@***.***

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