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R: [vocabulary_services] VSIG Telecon – April 13 (14 Oz)

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  • #122492

    Caterina Caracciolo

    Hi all,
    Thank you for posting the minutes of the meeting! I would have joined the meeting, but there was some hiccups with the group email apparently and was not aware of the meeting until too late.
    Re the URI of AGROVOC:
    The URL mentioned in the meeting notes ( is the url generated by the browsing tool that we use, Skosmos (by National Library of Finland), while the actual URI of the concept, with content negotiation, is : (right now the server is not accessible for maintenance work, but that’s another issue 🙂
    In fact, if you look inside the Skosmos page, you can see a block “URI” where the URI of the concept is mentioned.
    Eventually, Skosmos will provide both search/browsing facilities, and content negotiation, then we will be able to avoid this seeming duplication!
    Thank you, and all the best
    Caterina Caracciolo, PhD
    OPCC – FAO of the UN
    skype: catecara
    Da: zednis2=***@***.*** [zednis2=***@***.***] per conto di zednik [***@***.***]
    Inviato: mercoledì 13 aprile 2016 23.35
    A: ***@***.***
    Oggetto: [vocabulary_services] VSIG Telecon – April 13 (14 Oz)
    April 13, 7am Oz (14th), 9pm UTC, 5pm EDT, 3pm MDT
    Agenda – This week our meeting is dedicated to discussion of vocabulary governance and reasoning with vocabularies.
    Meeting Notes –
    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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    Stephan Zednik
    “Why not change the world?”

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