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Planning 1st VSIG Telecon

  • Creator
  • #124083

    Adam Shepherd

    Hello all, 
    We are planning the 1st telecon of the IG and wanted to get some feedback on the time of day and some possible dates. At some point in the future we may consider hosting multiuple telecons at different times to accomodate folks around the globe, but we feel its important for the initial telecon to be united and host as many participants as possible. 
    It seems that the best times are between 2000 – 2300 UTC (…).We’ve setup a Doodle poll with some suggested dates and times:
    Please let us know at the poll of your preferences, and any feedback regarding the timing of this and future telecons. Talk with you all soon!
    Best Regards, 
    Adam Shepherd
    VSIG Co-chair

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