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P14 Drone Data Ontology Pre-event?

  • Creator
  • #107367

    Hi all
    In the name of cross-RDA collaboration (and because I need your expertise) I’m hoping you’ll find this event interesting and appealing enough to join us, but even if not, your students might be interested and/or see this as a way to partialy fund attending P14
    The drone data IG is hosting a pre-event hackathon working on the LANDRS (Linked And Networked DRoneS) project where amoungst other things we’re continuing work on creating an ontology and building an OpenAPI sepecification for creating a Restful API for building linked data native drone data applications.
    We are very focused on reusing and cross walking to existing ontologies as far as possible in our ontology development process (there’s a recent visualisation of our provisional model so far here in a recent presentation to OGC).  If any of you would be interested in commenting and inputing into our effort on this it would be most welcome.
    Details, registration, and funding links are all in the attached flyer/on the RDA program here


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