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New RDA Working Group Case Statement out for Community Review

  • Creator
  • #96797

    Ryan O’Connor

    Dear Vocabulary Services IG members,
    (With apologies for cross-posting)
    The new ‘Harmonised terminologies and schemas for FAIR data in materials science and related domains’ Working Group Case Statement is now out for RDA Community Review. The Working Group will review the current landscape in the context of good practice and FAIR maturity and elaborate recommendations and guidance for practitioners working in the materials sciences and related domains. Further detail on the WG’s aims and activities is available in the Case Statement; the WG co-chairs would like to invite you to review the document and add any feedback or comments you have via the RDA website.
    The best way to contribute to the Working Group as it progresses is to become a WG member. As you know, you can do this by simply signing-in to the RDA website and selecting “Join Group”, adding you to the WG mailing list.
    All the best,
    Ryan (on behalf of WG co-chairs)
    Ryan O’Connor
    Senior Facilitator, RDA TIGER
    Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL
    Skype: live:roconnor101 | ORCID:
    Work days: Monday – Thursday. Please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside your working hours.

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