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Moving toward FAIR Semantics

  • Creator
  • #134240

    VSSIG Overview and Update – 5 minutes

    FAIR Semantics: introductory presentation – Yann Le Franc – 15 minutes

    Lightning presentation(s) : lightning presentation(s) from participants of the VSSIG (i.e. individuals or task groups) and interested external experts- 25- 35 minutes

    General discussion – 25-35 minutes

    Additional links to informative material
    Links to informative material

    RDA page:

    Slack Group: 

    Group sign-up page: 

    Group sign-up instructions: 

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology WG (I-ADOPT WG)

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Agrisemantics WG

    Meeting objectives
    Semantic artifacts (ontologies, controlled vocabularies, thesauri, glossaries…) are vital to the realisation of the FAIR principles, as they enhance data and information with well defined meaning, enabling humans and machines to work in cooperation. In order for semantic artifacts to be understood by both humans and machines, they have to be FAIR themselves. Currently, they are hardly discoverable and not interoperable, which clearly hampers their reuse. In this session we invite metadata experts, information scientists, Ontologists and Knowledge Engineers and data service architects to join forces in discussing how we can make semantic artifacts FAIR. 
    This discussion will be supported by two types of presentations:
    1- an introductory presentation of the first set of recommendations for FAIR Semantics, proposed by the project FAIRsFAIR and based on the outcomes of the initial brainstorming workshop organised during the previous RDA plenary and
    2- a lightning talk session during which we invite VSSIG participants, relevant RDA IG/WG as well as external initiatives to present their work on semantics and semantic interoperability.

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