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Introducing project coli-conc

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  • #122775

    Jakob Voß

    I’ve been following the RDA vocabulary services interest group (VSIG) since a few weeks and would like to introduce myself and our project coli-conc. I am an information scientists working at research & development in the largest library union network of Germany (GBV). Controlled terminologies such as classifications, thesauri, term lists etc. are basic tools in library & information science, but they seem to get reinvented in other disciplines as well. For instance a few years ago I wrote a paper comparing “social tagging” with traditional indexing (“Tagging, Folksonomy & Co – Renaissance of Manual Indexing?” When I discovered VSIG I was suprised that there is not more overlap between library and information science community and research data community (yet?). In our community terminologies are mostly referred to as Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), by the way that’s what the SKOS ontology got its name from. A good starting point is the group Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services/Structures (NKOS) at
    Anyway, I wanted to point you to our project coli-conc that aims at development of an infrastructure to facilitate management and exchange of concordances between library knowledge organization systems. To do so we first need a common data format for terminologies and specification of an API to query terminologies: so I am writing specification and implementation of a terminology service. The format, named JSKOS, has been published in a first version: The service specification, named JSKOS-API, is in an early state of development.
    You can find more resources about coli-conc and JSKOS(-API) at The most recent technical report contains a summary of open source terminology software: = The report is partly based on the ANDS appraisal of thesaurus software tools list.
    Jakob Voß

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