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Information about a 1 hour Virtual Meeting July 6th to discuss status and plans for RDA DFT IG

  • Creator
  • #121845

    *​*As a preparation for Plenary 8 in Denver
    RDA DFT IG will host a virtual meeting to provide updates on DFT activities
    – Vocabulary additions
    – Enhancements to our Term Tool and plans for additions
    – Relations with Vocabulary Services (VSIG)
    – Plans for P8 meetings including joint meetings with VSIG and a BoF on
    Domain Vocabularies

    Raphael Ritz has arranged for our 1 hour virtual meeting on Wed, Jul 6,
    2016 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM CEST which will use GoToMeeting.
    You can join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
    *You can also dial in using your phone.*
    Germany : +49 (0) 692 5736 7301
    Access Code: 179-996-821
    *More phone numbers*
    United States : +1 (646) 749-3117
    Australia : +61 2 8355 1039
    Austria : +43 7 2088 1033
    Belgium : +32 (0) 28 93 7001
    Canada : +1 (647) 497-9379
    Denmark : +45 69 91 89 21
    Finland : +358 (0) 923 17 0555
    France : +33 (0) 170 950 585
    Ireland : +353 (0) 19 030 050
    Italy : +39 0 693 38 75 50
    Netherlands : +31 (0) 208 080 208
    New Zealand : +64 9 925 0481
    Norway : +47 21 54 82 21
    Spain : +34 911 82 9890
    Sweden : +46 (0) 853 527 817
    Switzerland : +41 (0) 435 0167 65
    United Kingdom : +44 (0) 330 221 0099
    If this is your first GoToMeeting you can try a test session using:
    If there are any questions or if you wish to reserve a time to speak at the
    session please contact me at

    Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
    Member, Ontolog Board of Trustees
    Independent Consultant
    Potomac, MD

    * ​*

  • Author
  • #132859

    Hopefully our July 8th telecon will also allow us to discuss some ideas for our P8 BoF on “Domain Vocabulary Development, Standardization, Registration, Harmonization and Support”

    As we wrote in our proposal for P8 the idea is that:

    Each domain group will provide a brief summary of their work, relevant vocabularies and standards and an illustrative use case such as harmonization and mappings between 2 or more vocabularies and issues involved.

    • Following presentations major time will be devoted to community discussion of common interests, issues and best practice solutions in the domain vocabulary space. 

    o Whenever possible focus will be given to discuss issues of vocabularies reflecting actual innovative, tools and supporting activities and services available from current research and development particularly with RDA efforts such as Vocabularies Services and Terminology development.


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