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Fwd: [CODE4LIB] Call for Reconciliation & Entity Resolution Use Cases / Needs / Stories

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  • #118309

    Jakob Voß

    This might also be of interest to this group.
    ——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——–
    Betreff: [CODE4LIB] Call for Reconciliation & Entity Resolution Use
    Cases / Needs / Stories
    Datum: Wed, 2 Aug 2017 12:04:31 -0700
    Von: Chrissy Rissmeyer
    Antwort an: Code for Libraries
    An: ***@***.***
    Hi all:
    The LD4 Community Working Group on Reconciliation & Resolution is an
    open group working within the LD4L / LD4L Labs / LD4P broader family. A
    common theme we’ve experienced is trying to take our data and match
    concepts with other datasets – it is a big, messy problem with few (if
    any) common solutions across domains. As such, our Working Group is
    trying to pull together, analyze, find commonalities, and propose some
    pragmatic solutions to needs around entity resolution and reconciliation
    in our data. You can see our group’s charge, shared understandings, and
    work plan here if you’d like to learn more:
    As part of this effort, we want to hear from you. If you’re able, please
    take 10-15 minutes to share with us your needs around entity matching –
    whether it is taking string values and matching them to external
    authorities, having two entity identifiers that you need to determine if
    they’re the same or not, capturing whether two ontologies’ use of a
    class are not the same, or other. We want this to be as broad a
    collection of use cases, functional requirements, current services, or
    other needs and workflows for entity resolution and reconciliation with
    your data (and this is not limited to Linked Data!). You can share your
    needs with use by opening an issue on this Github repository, or if
    uncomfortable with using GitHub, emailing Arwen (***@***.***) or
    Christina (***@***.***), this group’s conveners.
    We’ll begin reviewing use cases in the second half of August (starting
    with our open call on August 14th, see here:, so we
    hope you’ll take a moment sooner rather than later to add your needs. If
    you want to follow this group’s work, including the analysis and output
    based on this collection, follow our GitHub repository here:
    Thank you for considering!

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