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Plenary 3 – Structural Biology IG Session

  • Creator
  • #138671

    1100-1230 and 1330-1500 on Thursday 27 March

    Session chair(s) including email address(es):
    Lucia Banci (
    Antonio Rosato (
    Structural Biology (SB) is concerned with the determination of the three-dimensional (3D) structures of 
    individual biomacromolecules (proteins and nucleic acids), and with those of complexes and higher order 
    structures formed by association of these individual components. In addition, it is now very evident that 
    the functional properties of these systems are often not adequately captured by looking at static 3D 
    models and, consequently, dynamic properties must be assessed and accounted for. A variety of 
    techniques, based on very different physical principles, allows researchers to investigate the structural 
    and dynamic properties of biological macromolecules, at different levels of detail and for systems with 
    different characteristics (e.g. 
    solid vs. solution, large vs. small molecular weight, etc.).
    Among others, the following data issues arise from the above background:
    – common ontologies across all the structural biology disciplines still need to be identified
    – the development of metadata for structural biology experiments is incomplete and not standardized
    – there is no community-level consensus on the representation of data on biomacromolecular dynamics, 
    either from experiments or simulations
    – policies to make SB raw data discoverable and citable are not in place
    The present session aims at identifying cross-disciplinary commonalities addressing the points 
    mentioned above. Possible strategies to identify, implement and disseminate policies for adoption at 
    least at the main Research Infrastructures in SB will be discussed.
    Session I ­ Thursday, March 27th, 2014 – 11.00 -12.30
    Structural biology metadata
    11.00 ­ – 11.15 The infrastructural scenario for SB ­ Lucia Banci
    11.15 ­ – 11.35 SB at synchrotrons / interaction with the IG for Photon and Neutron Science ­ Erica Yang
    11.35 – 11.50 Open issues for structural biology data and metadata ­ Antonio Rosato
    11.50 – 12.05 Towards a SB Work Bench ­ Chris Morris
    12.05 ­ – 12.30 General discussion

    Session II ­ Thursday, March 27th, 2014 ­ 13.30 -15.00
    Structural biology towards biomedicine and health
    13.30 -13.50 Data management and processing pipelines at DLS ­ Alun Ashton
    13.50 ­ – 14.05 Data management in NMR – Geerten Vuister
    14.05 ­ – 14.20 weNMR: data management and processing on the European Grid ­ Antonio Rosato
    14.20 ­ – 15.00 General Discussion (incl. IG future plans & identification of a use case / set of use cases)

    A round-table discussion will recapitulate the main points to be included in a draft policy statement.
    Links to additional reading material:








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