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Software Source Code – policy and incentives

  • Creator
  • #134009

    The agenda will be roughly as follow:

    Short introduction to the group and its aims (5 minutes)

    Software in the Second French Plan for Open Science [3] (30 minutes) 

    National Agenda for Research Software at the ARDC (20 minutes)

    Funders policy for research software (20 minutes)

    Research Software studies for the UK national research funder (5 minutes)

    Conclusion of group activity (10 minutes)

    Additional links to informative material
    [1] Research Data Alliance/FORCE11 Software Source Code Identification WG, Allen, A., Bandrowski, A., Chan, P., Di Cosmo, R., Fenner, M., Garcia, L., Gruenpeter, M., Jones, C. M., Katz, D. S., Kunze, J., Schubotz, M. & Todorov, I. T. (2020). Use cases and identifier schemes for persistent software source code identification (V1.1). Research Data Alliance. 
    [2] European Commission. Directorate General for Research and Innovation. (2020). Scholarly infrastructures for research software: report from the EOSC Executive Board Working Group (WG) Architecture Task Force (TF) SIRS. Publications Office. 
    [3] Second National Plan for Open Science. (2021). Ministry of Research, Higher Education and Innovation, France. Official version in french and english.

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) WG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices IG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Roberto Di Cosmo

    Meeting objectives
    This meeting is an opportunity for RDA members, who are interested in software and in particular in software source code, to discuss different aspects of software in the research lifecycle and in particular the importance of making software reproducible. At VP19 our main topics are:

    International and national policies regarding software source code.

    Initiatives supporting research software policies

    Funders policies

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 4, Breakout 6

    Privacy Policy

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