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Social dynamics of Opening data for global challenges

  • Creator
  • #134146

    Collaborative meeting notes:…
    Agenda for the meeting will be:

    (10min) Welcomes & Introductions
    (15min) Introduction to Social dynamics of data interoperability (Kheeran Dharmawardena)
    Introduction to what is meant by Social dynamics of data interoperability, and the purpose of this interest group
    (15min) Presentation – EOSC organizational interoperability aspects of the EOSC (Oscar Corcho)
    EOSC Interoperability Framework, identifies four layers technical, semantic, organisational and legal for interoperability.  This presentation will cover the organisational interoperability aspects defined in the framework.
    (15min) Inequities in data – Lessons learnt from the pandemic – Priyanka Pillai
    (30min) Open Science at a time of the COVID-19 pandemic:  a new opportunity to improve emergency response (Hanna Shmagun)
    The global health crisis we are in the middle of has clearly showed the importance of developing an Open Science ecosystem both for emergency and non-emergency situations. In this  talk, Hanna will introduce the her research and highlight how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the Open Science domain. Then we will discuss various factors that might enable or inhibit Open Science practices, taking into account the current pandemic situation. Attendees will be asked to rank the proposed enabling/inhibiting factors, which were identified in my research. The top-ranked factors will then be discussed further to recommend possible actions and bring attention to best practices.
    (5min) Wrap up

    Additional links to informative material

    P16 session presentations and slides

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (2)
    Ethics and Social Aspects of Data IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group

    Extensive work has been, and continues to be done on data interoperability at the technical and information domains. However, a large portion of the challenges in building interoperable information infrastructures are the result of the interplay between organisations, institutions, economics, and individuals. Collectively these form the social dynamics that foster or hinder the progress towards achieving technical and information Interoperability.
    These are some of the most difficult challenges to address. Currently there is only a limited body of work on how to address these challenges in a systematic way. In keeping with the mission of the RDA, the focus of this group is to focus on what is required to build the social bridges that enable open sharing and re-use of data.  The focus of this interest group is to identify opportunities for the development of systematic approaches to address the key social challenges and to build a corpus of knowledge on building and operating interoperable information infrastructures.

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Kheeran Dharmawardena

    Meeting objectives
    SDDI IG is a new group that is awaiting endorsement.  As such the purpose of this meeting is to continue the dialogue of interest around social dynamics pertaining to data interoperability and to firm up the future agenda for the group.  This session will focus on a range of examples of how social dynamics come into focus when dealing with data interoperability.

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 3, Breakout 6, Breakout 7, Breakout 9, Breakout 10, Breakout 11

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