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Social aspects of making data FAIR: update on progress of the social aspects of FAIR survey, and discussion of future work.

  • Creator
  • #134016

    Collaborative session notes:…

    5 Minutes: Introduction and house keeping
    15 Minutes: Introduction to SDDI-IG and its past work
    15 Minutes: Invited presentation from Joanne Yeomans – Digital Scholarship Librarian, Data Management Team, Centre for Digital Scholarship, Leiden University Libraries
    10 Minute: Discussion with presenter and community.
    40 Minute: Working meeting with the group

    5 min background and goals of the survey
    30 min group activity – co-designing questions for the survey
    5 min future work

    5 minute wrap up.

    Additional links to informative material
    Home page
    Charter (endorsed)
    RDA 18
    RDA 17
    RDA 16
    Group Zenodo site
    Group Zotero group
    History of the IG

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Sensitive Data Interest Group

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Global Open Research Commons IG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Kristal Spreadborough

    Meeting objectives
    This will be the first meeting of the Social Dynamics of Data Interoperability Interest Group since we were endorsed at the end of 2021. Previous work in plenaries and community meetings has focused on identifying and naming the specific challenges related to the social aspects of sharing data. In recent community meetings, the IG has focused on developing a survey to better understand these challenges. Specifically, this is a key focus of the March Community Meeting ( This survey is focused on identifying the social aspects that impact making data FAIR. At the time of submission, the survey is in development. It is anticipated that by the P19 Meeting the survey will be launched and that there will be preliminary data ready for initial review. 
     At this meeting, attendees will:

    Hear from an invited presenter about their experience of the human factors that impact engagement with the FAIR framework.  

    Engage in open discussion about the group’s experiences of making data FAIR, both their own experiences and the experiences of facilitating others to do so. 

    Review the current survey, and discuss preliminary results. 

    Co-design the next steps for this piece of work and discuss direction of future work

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 2, Breakout 3, Breakout 4, Breakout 5, Breakout 6, Breakout 7

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