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RDA sUAS in Berlin and Botswana

  • Creator
  • #112663

    Dear community,
    As you’ve probably seen the call for RDA P11 sessions in Berlin (April
    2018) is open. We’ve reached out to the chairs of the Weather, climate and
    air quality, From Observational Data to Information, and Geospatial IGs,
    and Research Data Collections WG, about possibly running a joint session to
    share practical techniques. We’d welcome any comment on that, please feel
    free to jump in and comment here on the list.
    IDW2018 is happening in Gabarone Bostwana. We think being in the Southern
    Hemisphere (and a easy flight from Europe) is a fantastic opportunity to
    connect with the broader research community that isn’t always able to
    attend EU/US meetings. There are a couple ways we could do this, and we’ve
    reached out to some researchers in South Africa, Kenya, and Botswana, but
    would very much welcome any further connections. Possible opportunities we
    see for that week:
    – SciDataCon session – This would
    be the most formal setting of the week to present research. We have a
    communal ideas document here
    looking for input, session proposals due 19 Jan)
    – RDA P12 – We could propose a session, which we will discuss in tandem
    with P11 preparations.
    – Pre/Post event – We could consider using the collocation of so many
    experts and the available venue to host a 1 day workshop on anything from
    ”Research drones 101” through to running a hackathon on the
    code/data/sensors for sUAS, or a working session to make progress on some
    of our identified community challenges (e.g. minimal metadata requirements,
    other ideas welcome)
    We are looking forward to hearing any ideas or suggestions for our upcoming
    events, and hope to see you in *Berlin* in *March*.
    Jane and Bar
    Co-chairs, RDA sUAS data IG
    Jane Wyngaard, PhD
    Data Science Technologist
    Centre for Research Computing
    University of Notre Dame

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