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RDA Montreal Plenary – ideas?

  • Creator
  • #118704

    Hi All,
    Session submissions are due by 23 June for the Montreal Plenary. Bar and I
    have been focused on the Drone Data workshop day
    happening next month and expect its outcomes to directly affect the theme
    of this group’s P10 session (anticipate possibly having some funding
    available, progress on organisation co-ordinations, progress on practical
    implementation efforts).
    Consequently we will propose a session but it’s contents might change
    significantly. If anyone is interested in discussing the P10 session or
    just wants to pitch ideas (speakers, topics, focus, content, co-location of
    practical efforts) please do send an email and/or we could host a call to
    discuss (this week or in the future).
    Jane Wyngaard, PhD
    Data Science Technologist
    Centre for Research Computing
    University of Notre Dame

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