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P22 session reminder

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  • #136623

    Ryan O’Connor

    Dear sUAS Data IG members,

    A reminder to please join us at the repeat session of the Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ Data IG, ‘Introducing the small uncrewed aircraft and autonomous platforms data Working Group’, taking place today, Wednesday 22 May at 14:00 UTC (here is the Whova link for those who have registered for the Plenary).

    This session will introduce the new Small Uncrewed Aircraft and Autonomous Platforms Data WG and explore recent advances and challenges in small uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) data collection. Full details of the session can be found here.

    We invite you to please also join the new WG on the RDA website, here. The WG’s Case Statement is currently in RDA Community Review and the WG will be setting up its regular meeting schedule following the end of this period; joining the WG is the best way to keep up to date with any developments and announcements.

    Thank you and we hope to see you at our session next week and/or future WG meeting.

    Ryan (on behalf of WG co-chairs Alice Fremand, Jens Klump, and Thabo Semong)

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