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Call for updates in this space as we plan the next effort

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  • #100891

    Hi all
    We submitted 
    “Progress: The needle is moving on small unstaffed vehicles data” to RDA for the next virtual plenary (3-18 November 2021)
    I know for myself this period of COVID has meant a significant drop in broader community engagement – but those groups that I have managed to keep up with have made notable progress despite the pandemic.  This session is therefore posed as an opportunity to hear what others have acomplished and explore as group where the bleeding edge now is and what that might mean for what the interest group should focus on.

    Don Sullivan of the NASA Airborne Science Program is already on the speaker list to update us on some notable progress been made primarily by the OGC UxS working group with the FAA in a recent data technologies testbed.
    If anyone, for instance, is working in the EU or Australian space on drone data infrastructure, I think it would be really valuable to hear.  Or from any other area.  If you would like to speak or would like to suggest we contact someone to speak, please just email myself or the group!
    In the immediate, I’m also trying to follow some of the notable outputs coming from RDA’s FAIR Principles for Research Software, and  Persistent Identification of Instruments WG that are relevant, and perhaps worth us contacting at the plenary.
    Jane Wyngaard

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