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Towards recommendations: RDA-SHARC Open Science survey

  • Creator
  • #136920

    Laurence Mabile


    The goal of this survey is to identify perceptions and expectations of various research communities regarding how Open Science activities are (or should be) taken into consideration and rewarded. The results will help with future recommendations towards various stakeholder groups involved in research evaluation.
    This survey has been conducted as part of the SHAring Rewards & Credit (SHARC) interest group within Research Data Alliance (RDA).

    Preliminary survey were presented and discussed during the RDA 19th Plenary meeting , as part of the International Data Week 2022 taking place 20-23June 2022.

    Find below the survey questionnaire, a preliminary set of analyses and the results presented as part of RDA P19 SHARC working session

    The full results will be published as part of a paper; the SHARC-Reco task subgroup is working on it…




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