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RDA P11 SHARC IG Synthesis and action points

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  • #111608

    Laurence Mabile

    Dear Sharc members, Many thanks again to those of you who could participate to our work one way or another. Please find attached the synthesis of our Sharc session in Berlin. Action points follow at the end. We suggest from now the following: The need to constitute a specific group to elaborate a set of evaluation criteria for the sharing activity has come out during the session. *Would you be so kind to express **asap **by return mail whether you would be interested or not to contibute to this specific task?* (We plan one teleconf and some mail exchanges to achieve the work). Our agenda is now framed by 2 events: *1/* ESOF, Toulouse, mid-july 2018 where a Sharc related session will be chaired by Fiona Murphy and where some of us could meet relevant stakeholders. In this perspective, we suggest to have the next Sharc meeting around mid-june. I have set up a doodle for it, *please can you complete it _before __April 15th_*, thanks! *2/* RDA P12 which will be part of the International Data week in Botswana at the beginning of november 2018. Our objective is to finalise a suitable set of recommendations -including the set of evaluation criteria- for november 2018. Then it could be discussed there and/or officially submitted for review to the RDA community. (if you already know that you will be there, please let us know…). Looking forward to hearing from you, any comment or question is very welcome! Best, Laurence & Anne —- — Laurence Mabile, Chef de projet/Project manager UMR1027 Inserm – Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse III, Epidémiologie et analyses en santé publique : risques, maladies chroniques et handicap. Equipe 4: Génomique, biothérapies et santé publique. Equipe 5: Inégalités sociales de Santé Faculté de médecine 37 allées Jules Guesde 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France > Tel : +33 (0)5 61 14 56 47 > Fax : +33 (0)5 61 14 56 23 E-mail :***@***.***


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