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RDA p11 agenda and link to the SHARC background paper

  • Creator
  • #111828

    Laurence Mabile

    Dear Sharc members,
    Our RDA P11 meeting page has been updated. You will find details on the
    agenda, the remote access instructions and the link to the Sharc draft
    background paper and recommendations (section V). Your comments and
    feedback are very welcome.
    Go to:
    Reminder, our session is planned on March 22 15.30-17.00
    Looking forward to discussing with you either in Berlin, on the phone or
    on the google doc!
    Best, Laurence

    Laurence Mabile, Chef de projet/Project manager
    UMR1027 Inserm – Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse III,
    Epidémiologie et analyses en santé publique : risques, maladies chroniques et handicap.
    Equipe 4: Génomique, biothérapies et santé publique.
    Equipe 5: Inégalités sociales de Santé
    Faculté de médecine
    37 allées Jules Guesde 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
    E-mail : ***@***.***

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