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Invitation to Open Science & Reward survey – 10 min – before May 30th

  • Creator
  • #99524

    Laurence Mabile

    Dear colleague,
    The SHARC- ‘Reco-task subgoup’, is conducting a survey to identify perceptions and expectations of various research communities regarding how Open Science activities, such as research data sharing, are (or should be) taken into consideration and rewarded. Preliminary results will be presented at the 19th RDA Plenary Meeting, which will take place during the International Data Week 2 0- 23 June 2022 . The results will serve to elaborate future recommendations concerning research evaluation.
    The completion of the survey takes about 10 minutes. We are interested by your thoughts and would greatly appreciate if you could send your responses by May 30, 2022. Many thanks in advance…
    Please follow the link below to access the questionnaire.
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    We take the opportunity of this e-mail to remind you that the SHARC – ‘Reco-task subgoup’ meets on the third friday of each month (14.00 CET). If you’re interested to contribute in a way or another or just wish to know more, you’re very welcome, please let us know at ***@***.***
    All the best,
    The SHARC ‘Reco-task group’
    Laurence Mabile
    Centre d’épidémiologie et de recherche en santé des populations (CERPOP), Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Inserm
    37 Allées J. Guesde 31000 Toulouse, FR
    Tel: + 33 (0)5 61 14 56 47
    ORCID: 0000-0002-7724-1721

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