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invitation to contribute, before May 19

  • Creator
  • #98027

    Laurence Mabile

    Dear RDA-SHARC members,
    Welcome to our new members!!
    A little update for those of you who have not attended our RDA P20 working session in Goteborg: We presented there a first draft of recommendations meant to guide researchers & various actors leveraging or implementing open science recognition processes. As part of this guidance, we have developed resource documents that we wish to update as much as possible with you all.
    The first one is a list of the open science policies that every researcher should be aware of in their own country:
    [… |… ]
    The second document is a list of existing and currently active rewarding initiatives/tools for OS activities:
    [… |… ]
    You are very welcome to add new info directly in the documents as comments; before May 19th would be much appreciated.
    If you also wish to contribute to the guidance itself, please let us know.
    Laurence for the Reco-SHARC task group (Hanna Shmagun, Florencia Grattarola, Christopher Erdmann, Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Mogens Thomsen)
    Laurence Mabile
    Centre d’épidémiologie et de recherche en santé des populations (CERPOP), Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Inserm
    37 Allées J. Guesde 31000 Toulouse, FR
    Tel: + 33 (0)5 61 14 56 47
    ORCID: 0000-0002-7724-1721
    rking time. No worry there!

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