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Encouraging supranational statements and recommendations for SHARC IG work

  • Creator
  • #112796

    Laurence Mabile

    Dear all,
    A quick mail to draw your attention on 3 interesting documents in case
    you haven’t seen them yet. Totally aligned with and very encouraging for
    our SHARC work regarding better recognition and reward of open science
    *  the last G7 science ministers communiqué (from G7 Meeting Turin
    end sept 2017) + G7 expert group on open science Executive summary
    * the EC report from the Working group on rewards under Open science,
    jul 2017
    Nice recommendations ! How to complete them and push the implementation
    at national levels, some work to do, need to discuss this!!
    _Reminder_:  next SHARC TC4 20 nov 15.00-17.00 CET
    Best, Laurence

    Laurence Mabile, Chef de projet/Project manager
    UMR1027 Inserm – Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse III,
    Epidémiologie et analyses en santé publique : risques, maladies chroniques et handicap.
    Equipe 4: Génomique, biothérapies et santé publique.
    Equipe 5: Inégalités sociales de Santé
    Faculté de médecine
    37 allées Jules Guesde 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
    E-mail : ***@***.***

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