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Data Versioning WG Webinar – Invitation/Promotion Help

  • Creator
  • #101512

    Hello.  We are writing to invite you to an upcoming webinar presented by the RDA Data Versioning Working Group, and to also request your help with promoting the event. 
    The webinar is on May 27 at 23:00 UTC (4:00 PT) and is entitled “Versioning Data Is About More than Revisions: A Conceptual Framework and Proposed Principles”.  The talk will introduce six foundational principles for versioning of datasets: Revision, Release, Granularity, Manifestation, Provenance and Citation.
    The work of this group derived from the analysis of 39 use cases  and current practices of data versioning across 33 organisations, and using the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) as a conceptual framework. The six principles provide a high-level framework for researchers in guiding a consistent practice of data versioning. It will also serve to guide data centres or data providers when setting up their own data revision and version protocols and procedures, as well as systematic identification of their data products. Find additional information and the registration link here.
    As mentioned, we would appreciate your help to promote this webinar through your social networking channels and reach other individuals who may also benefit from this webinar. See below for easy ways you can help, such as clicking the link and selecting “like” or “share” or “retweet”.
    We appreciate your help and look forward to seeing you at the webinar!
    Thank you.
    The RDA Data Versioning Working Group

    RDA Webinar Promotional Resources

    LinkedIN – Open LinkedIn and “like” this post.

    Twitter – Open this link and “like” or “retweet” and tag others you think would be interested in attending. 

    Mailchimp Announcement – Forward Mailchimp Announcement or copy information and paste into groups listservs.

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