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Reminder: Virtual Meeting Tomorrow

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  • #112632

    Thomas Jejkal

    Dear all,
    Tomorrow, at 14:00 UTC our next virtual meeting takes place. This will be the last meeting before entering the early adoption phase of the WG. This means, that during the next month(s) we’ll focus on the adoption of our recommendations [1] and on finalizing the document itself. Currently, we have four initial adopters planning to have a (prototypical) implementation for demonstration purposes available until P11. If anybody else also wants to contribute with an adoption of our recommendations for a particular platform, please feel free to join the meeting tomorrow.
    Due to the expected effort for adoption, there won’t be a virtual meeting for a couple of weeks. During that time, all communication will take place via the mailing list or via direct mail exchange. As soon as the next virtual meeting is approaching, I’ll send around another reminder.
    The connection link for tomorrow is the same as always (

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Institute for Data Processing and Electronics
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
    fon : +49 721 608-24042
    fax : +49 721 608-23560
    Macht es, kosmisch betrachtet, wirklich was aus, wenn ich nicht aufstehe und arbeiten gehe?
    -Douglas Adams-

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