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Reminder: Virtual Meeting

  • Creator
  • #118262

    Thomas Jejkal

    Dear all,
    Tomorrow, at 14:00 UTC the next virtual meeting of the Research Data Repository Interoperability WG will take place.
    The connection link is the same as last time (
    Please check the current draft of the recommendations document [1] before the meeting as the main topic will be the
    discussion of the listed sample packages and how a recommendation based on these examples may look like.

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Institute for Data Processing and Electronics
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
    fon : +49 721 608-24042
    fax : +49 721 608-23560
    Macht es, kosmisch betrachtet, wirklich was aus, wenn ich nicht aufstehe und arbeiten gehe?
    -Douglas Adams-

  • Author
  • #131588

    Hi @all,
    thanks for copying my DARIAH bag into the GoogleDoc Bagit list! I am
    working on our bagit profile right now (and adapting my bag creation to
    5.0.x bagit java version).
    One questions aroused in the process:
    Should we use Turtle as format for the bag’s metadata files or RDF/XML?
    And we could of course deliver XML as well, maybe using content
    What do you think?
    Thanks and all the best.

    Stefan E. Funk
    Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
    D-37070 Göttingen
    Papendiek 14 (Historisches Gebäude, Raum 2.409)
    +49 551 39-7700 (Tel)
    +49 551 39-3856 (Fax)

  • #131587

    I see RDF/XML as being more commonly adopted in the areas I work
    in-biological and physical sciences

  • #131508

    Thanks a lot Claire!
    We now are using Turtle for internal and BagIt usage, and are also
    delivering other formats via REST. Seemes to be the best solution for now…
    All the best

    Stefan E. Funk
    Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
    D-37070 Göttingen
    Papendiek 14 (Historisches Gebäude, Raum 2.409)
    +49 551 39-7700 (Tel)
    +49 551 39-3856 (Fax)

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