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RDRIWG Virtual Meeting – Minutes and Next Steps

  • Creator
  • #120476

    Thomas Jejkal

    Dear all,
    Please find the minutes of last week’s virtual meeting at [1]. The next step is to continue the work on the primer document available at [2]. Thanks to all who already contributed. Please check back regularly if there are any questions regarding your contribution.  
    For all of you who plan to contribute with other standards, existing APIs, tools, exchange formats, interoperability initiatives or anything comparable useful for our WG, feel free to edit the document by adding your contribution according to the examples already in there. Please provide enough information to allow to classify your contribution within the overall interoperability landscape and to evaluate its feasibility. Please also consider to edit the document in suggestion mode using a valid user account in order to facilitate inline discussions.
    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Kind regards,
    Thomas Jejkal and David Wilcox
    Group Co-Chairs

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Institute for Data Processing and Electronics
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
    fon : +49 721 608-24042
    fax : +49 721 608-23560
    Macht es, kosmisch betrachtet, wirklich was aus, wenn ich nicht aufstehe und arbeiten gehe?
    -Douglas Adams-

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