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RDA RDRI-WG P9 Meeting Follow-up

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  • #119262

    David Wilcox

    Hi everyone,
    Thanks to all who attended the Research Data Repository Interoperability working group meeting at P9 in Barcelona [1]. It was a very productive meeting – the notes are now available on the group wiki [2].
    As discussed at the meeting, the draft primer document [3] will remain open for comments and contributions until the end of April (another 2 weeks) after which the co-chairs (Thomas and myself) will close the document for final edits before we publish it. If you have any further input on the document please be sure to contribute within the next couple weeks.
    It was also suggested that the group should meet every two weeks in order to complete the next deliverable (a draft specification document) in time for P10 in September. The chairs both agree that this is a good idea, and we plan to implement this schedule soon. Please keep an eye out for a follow-up message with further details on a call schedule and work plan for the next few months. It was also suggested that starting a Slack team for faster communication would be useful, so the chairs will look into this as well.
    Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks for your engagement!
    David Wilcox & Thomas Jejkal
    Group co-chairs

    David Wilcox
    Fedora Product Manager

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