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Next Virtual Meeting

  • Creator
  • #120064

    David Wilcox

    Dear all,
    As announced during the last virtual meeting we plan to organize another virtual meeting before the next plenary in Barcelona. This meeting will take place at the
    17th of February 2017, 3 PM CET
    We’ll send around dial-in information a couple of days before the meeting.
    The goal of the meeting is to collect final contributions for the primer document [1]. Thanks to several contributors, there are already a couple of sections  filled out describing different state of the art technologies. We would like to ask you to go through the document and check where you could contribute, either by providing some details/experiences about a particular technology that is currently not described in detail, or by providing novel/unmentioned technologies or standards that may help us with respect to our targeted use cases. Each contribution is welcome and will be part of the discussion of what this working group will suggest to adopters of their results.
    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or to post comments directly in the Google document.
    Kind regards,
    Thomas Jejkal and David Wilcox
    Group Co-Chairs

    David Wilcox
    Fedora Product Manager

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