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2018-02-07 RDRIWG Virtual Meeting

  • Creator
  • #137513

    David Wilcox

    Using DataCite as a metadata standard

    • New use case that hasn’t come up before – mostly focused on DOI registration
    • Issues with datasets that don’t have a DOI hasn’t come up before 
    • DOI requirement built into schema for DOI registration
    • Next update will occur at the end of the year
    • Could update schema to relax DOI requirement
      • This will take 6 months
    • Two options in the meantime
      • Fork the schema in the short term
      • Use the schema without validation
    • Do we need schema validation? Probably not
    • Document in recommendations that our use case does not require a DOI
    • Validation is up to the implementer
    • Allow identifier to be unspecified as per vocabulary
    • Does our use case make sense for DataCite
      • FREYA project – life sciences don’t use DOIs
        • Adopting
        • No central index for datasets, is a good fit
    • DataCite in this context is like a modern DC
    • General agreement that we should work with DataCite to relax DOI requirements and in the meantime not require validation

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