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2017-10-25 RDRIWG Virtual Meeting

  • Creator
  • #137555

    Thomas Jejkal



    1. Summary from last time
    2. Discussion (DataCrate)
    3. Next steps








    Topic 1

    • No public registry for BagIt profiles
      • Use GitHub for the moment, reach out for sustainable solution
    • No registry for platform identifiers
      • Re3Data may come up with something in future, but currently only recommendations document might be a place to put this information
      • Keep sustainability in mind
    • Review DataCrate as related work


    Topic 2

    • Spec available at
    • Similar goals
      • Primary information stored as LD
      • Human and machine readable (RDFa, JSON LD)
      • Following vocabulary
    • Allows to describe payload
    • Smaller set of mandatory elements (creation date, contact and description) than DataCite
    • Might have datacite MD if sufficient information available
    • Current version 0.1 -> probability of changes high
    • Providing content could be complex, for legacy platforms hard to obtain linked resources
    • Mapping to vocabulary needed
    • Possible integration: Stay with datacite as base requirement, create DataCrate metadata files CATALOG.HTML/JSON with datacite content
    • TODO: Talk to Peter (Thomas)
      • Possibility to place metadata files not only in root of bag (e.g. datacite.xml)
      • How to fulfill DataCrate BagIt profile?
    • TODO: Similar effort from DataConservancy, establish contact (David)
    • How to deal with complex RDF graphs? Split into different ttl files and put into META-INF?
      • Further discussion needed
    • TODO: Setup GitHub project (Thomas)


    Topic 3

    Next meeting at 08 November, 2 pm UTC

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