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2017-10-11 RDRIWG Virtual Meeting

  • Creator
  • #137563

    Thomas Jejkal


    1. Summary from plenary 10
    2. Discussion 
      • Github for profiles
      • Support for collections
      • Platform identifiers
      • DataCrate
    3. Next steps






    Topic 1

    • Presentation of group and current documents
    • Most part was discussion
      • Clarify term ‘repository’
      • Why datacite?
        • Suggestion: Find mappings from other MD standards to datacite
      • Remark: HEP community encodes MD in filenames
      • Considered METS? – Yes, but METS not interoperable (consider in MD table)
      • How to handle changes? – Not covered, yet
      • What about extended FS attributes? – Everyone can put all information into bag
      • Other initiatives: DataCrate, Codemeta
      • Idea: put profile into bag (for preservation)
      • Datacite: Could offer DOIs for profiles
    • Meet bi-weekly for 2-3 more times, then reduce frequency due to adoption effort
    • Try to get demonstrator running until P11 showing replication from A to B (to C)
      • Thomas (KIT DM export/import), Stefan (DARIAH Repo export/maybe import), Rolf (ICAT, export), David (Fedora export/maybe import)


    Topic 2

    • Github for profiles
      • Try to find an existing registry (ask Nick/David)
        • Done, none known
      • Use github to host profiles for the moment
        • Registry still missing
      • Experience of other groups with github?
      • Keep in mind sustainability!
    • Platform identifiers
      • Re3data may add platform identifiers in future
      • Currently, no solution except putting list to recommendations document or skipping the platform identification
      • Same problem with sustainability!
    • Support for Collections
      • Current content of recommendations document acceptable by all participants
    • DataCrate
      • Review as related work (all)
      • Check how/if usable for our WG
      • Discuss in next meeting


    Topic 3

    • Next meeting at 25 October, 2 pm UTC

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