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Slides of WGDC break-out session presenations available on-line

  • Creator
  • #109039

    Andreas Rauber

    Dear all,
    Thank you very much for the active participation and discussion during
    today’s break-out session. The extended slide deck presented during the
    break-out session at Plenary 13 (including the slides presented plus a
    few additional slides with more detailed back-ground information) has
    been uploaded to our file repository. You can access the slides at
    Specifically, it contains slides on
    – a short description of the WG recommendations
    – what and why
    – timestamping and versioning data
    – subset identification via timestamped queries
    – reports by Adopters / Pilots
    – ESIP Guidelines
    – ISO 690 Standard
    – NICT Plattform
    – No-SQL (MongoDB) for CKAN
    – Dendro Data Repository
    – OpenEO: Earth Observation Data Center (EODC)
    – review of Recommendations text / lessons learned,
    specifically discussion on semantic tagging of versions.
    We are further planning a series of new Webinars of thos adoptions that
    are currently finalizing thei rimplementation, so stay tuned for more
    details on the specific implementations briefly touched upon today.
    If you have any comments, feedback, questions, or are planning to
    implement part of the recommendations in you rinfrastructure, please let
    us know!
    best regards,

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