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IG meeting in 14 hours [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

  • Creator
  • #119693

    Nicholas Car

    Hi all,
    The next Australian-friendly RDA Research Data Provenance Interest Group meeting is on in about 14 hours’ time.
    1. Minutes from last meeting
    2. Provenance Patterns WG
        * WG website online at
    From the multi-meeting agenda:…
    3. Show & Tell: Provenance links 1
    * Existing, discoverable, sources of provenance information
    * do you know of any you can share?
    * query endpoints, links, catalogues with systematic provenance publishing points
    4. Discussion: Provenance visualisation tools
    ​​ * do you have any?
    * do you want some you can’t find?
    * some links:
    * PRO-O-VIS:
    * basic graph vis in Python + JavaScript:
    As per usual:
    5. Member reports
    * Any other items emailed to Nick/Dave/Ming before the meeting!
    Meeting details are quoted below.
    Meeting Details
    Los Angeles, USA Tue, 14 Mar 2017 at 5:00 pm PDT
    Chicago, USA Tue, 14 Mar 2017 at 7:00 pm CDT
    London, UK Wed, 15 Mar 2017 at 12:00 midn GMT
    Paris, France Wed, 15 Mar 2017 at 1:00 am CET
    Tokyo, Japan Wed, 15 Mar 2017 at 9:00 am JST
    Canberra, Australia Wed, 15 Mar 2017 at 11:00 am AEDT
    Or, go to and enter meeting ID: 276 978 584 
    Dial: +61 3 99059666 (+61 3 9905 ZOOM) or +61 2 8015 2088
    Meeting ID: 276 978 584 
    International numbers available: 
    Video Room
    Join from a Video capable room system(H.323/SIP): 
    Dial: 61262227588 (From within Monash only) 
    or: ***@***.*** (H323) or ***@***.*** (SIP) 
    or or
    Meeting ID: 276 978 584 ​​
    Geoscience Australia Disclaimer: This e-mail (and files transmitted with it) is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, then you have received this e-mail by mistake and any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail and its file attachments is prohibited. The security of emails transmitted cannot be guaranteed; by forwarding or replying to this email, you acknowledge and accept these risks.

  • Author
  • #131952

    David Dubin

    Just a reminder that our regular biweekly meeting will be starting soon. For those of us in the US, the clocks have changed but the meeting time has not, so do trust the calendar invitation.
    Connection details below. Talk to you soon.
    Or, go to and enter meeting ID: 276 978 584
    Dial: +61 3 99059666 (+61 3 9905 ZOOM) or +61 2 8015 2088
    Meeting ID: 276 978 584
    International numbers available:
    Video Room
    Join from a Video capable room system(H.323/SIP):
    Dial: 61262227588 (From within Monash only)
    or: ***@***.*** (H323) or ***@***.*** (SIP)
    or or
    Meeting ID: 276 978 584 ​​

  • #131951

    Hi ,
    I just registered for this topic in the RDA WGs list . Not sure I can
    attend the meeting tonight from Strasbourg , France ( around 5 a-m) .
    I am involved in the management of Provenance Information for
    astronomical science data archives , in the frame work of the Virtual
    We plan to add provenance links to describe activities/agents/entities
    graphs for the datasets we distribute among the astronomical community.
    No ontology has been considered yet , but we forsee provenance
    information to be serialised as Prov-Json, or Prov/XML documents,
    attached to the requested data sets.
    I will be at the next RDA plenary and attend the next “Provenance
    patterns WG” meeting.
    See you there,
    best wishes , Mireille Louys.

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