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Re: [rda-datafabric-ig][rda-collection-wg] Some thoughts on “Data Aggregations” terminology & concepts

  • Creator
  • #122533

    In short I think the answer is yes, that collections such as generated by
    queries can be parts of DO collections.
    I would go back to Reagan Moore’s early observation (to effect if I
    understand right) that ” “Digital collections implement arrangement by a
    community for organizing their digital entities..”
    They are then aggregations of interest defined by communities.
    Now this ultra flexibility may, I have a sense of worry without having
    figured this out, overload the role of digital object since it seems to
    have taken on the idea that
    it can be anything that is digital and identified. We are then relying on
    provenance info to tell us something about how the DO is created. It may
    be from parts of queries etc. that tells us the nature of the collection.
    Is that a problem??
    Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.

    Member, Ontolog Board of Trustees
    Independent Consultant
    Potomac, MD
    On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Keith Jeffery wrote:

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